Thursday, October 29, 2009

My new business!!!

So I recently started up a business called Prestige Home Tending and it's actually a pretty amazing concept- I didn't come up with it on my own, but I was smart enough to copy the idea and get it going in an area that has no competition. How it works is we put a qualified, professional person in a vacant home to care for the home while it is on the market. This is different than renting, and the home tender only lives in the home until it sells. They have to have nice furniture to even qualify and they do all the yard work, pay the utilities and keep the home in model home condition and they must cooperate with realtor showings.

We have found this service to be a win-win situation for everyone. The home owner saves a lot of money in several different ways, and the home tender gets to live in a beautiful, large home for 1/2 to 1/3 of the cost they would usually pay for a home that size. This service is completely free to the home owner- we get paid from the fee we charge the home tender.

We have a 4400 square foot home in Mendon, UT that we just got home tenders for. This couple moved here from a nice home in Arizona and they are excited they can maintain their standard of living in a nice home until they are ready to buy a home in the valley.

We will take just about any vacant home that is in good condition from the Provo, UT area to Bearlake. I make sure to do weekly checks on all the homes to make sure the home tenders are doing all that is expected. You can get more info on our website at:
We have also connected with a local moving company called Smooth Movers, to help the transition to go a little smoother for the home tenders moving in and out. You can check out their website at: